
août 2012

elon certains témoins de la vie de Marylin Monroe, dont son premier mari et sa nièce, Norma Jean Mortensen aurait été synesthète. "She has that displacement of the senses which others take drugs to find" "Elle avait ces sensations particulières que d'autres vivent en prenant des drogues" "He recounted evenings when all Norma Jean served were peas and carrots. She liked the colors. She has that

According to some witnesses in the life of Marylin Monroe, including her first husband and her niece, Norma Jean Mortensen would have been synesthetic. "She has that displacement of the senses which others take drugs to find" "He recounted evenings when all Norma Jean served were peas and carrots. She liked the colors. She has that displacement of the senses which others take drugs to